7 Best Home Remedies To Stop Hair Fall | What Causes Hair Fall?

Home Remedies For Hair Fall Control

Best Home Remedies To Stop Hair Fall | Hair Fall problem is a common problem in men and women. If you are losing between 50-100 hair per day, then it’s completely normal and also can be ignored.

Hair falls can be caused because of health problems, genetics, hormone imbalance, fungal conditions of the scalp, stress, and nutritional deficiencies.

Hairs can also get there and be damaged when you use various products on your hair. Sometimes this product will damage your hair or can cause hair fall.

Straightening, curling, and cramping, make your hair and also become the reason for hair fall. We all love shiny and glossy hair.

Instead of using costly products, you can use home remedies because these are the natural ways to repair your hair and decrease your hair fall.

We all have fear of getting bald, especially at a young age. Literally, we don’t like hair fall, as we all know hairs are beautiful. You can’t even imagine yourself getting bald.

Hair fall is literally a common issue in today’s world. The hair fall problem is with all of us. Home remedies are best for all of us.

It will be really comfortable for you to repair your hair at home by using natural things like aloe vera, lemon, curd, Henna, and many other things. Home remedies will help you to get rid of hair fall.

In this article, we will get to know about what are the main causes of hair fall, how we can stop hair fall immediately at home, and also some home remedies to control hair fall.

Common signs of hair fall

You can experience your Hair falling suddenly or gradually. Which, some types of hair fall are temporary and some are permanent. These are the most common sign and symptoms of hair fall:

  • Unwanted patchy or circular bald spots 
  • Loosening extra hair than before  
  • Start thinning your hair at the forehead or hairline
  • Losing hair from the body due to any medical treatments such as chemotherapy
  • Patches on the head due to some infection

What are the causes of your hair fall?

Just to cut your beauty, hair fall has tons of reasons. Whatever the causes are, there should be something that may reduce and gradually stop your hair fall.

Later on, we will discuss the 7 best home remedies to stop hair fall.

1. Hereditary Hair Loss

This is definitely one of the most common causes of Hair Loss. It is not something that cannot be prevented.

You would have to get the treatment done for it. And treatment would slow or stop the Hair Fall.

But this is not the type of Hair Loss that can be treated using any home remedies.

There are medicines available for this type which you can take to treat it. Minoxidil is a medicine that is easily available over the counter and can be taken by both men and women to treat Hair Fall in case of Hereditary Hair Fall.

2. Age

This is one of those factors which can not be prevented. As you grow older, your hair stops growing, and also, it can increase your hair fall as well.

Hair follicles stop growing hair after a certain age.

Your hair will start turning white as well due to loss of color with age. It can be treated if you catch it early, and major hair loss can be prevented with treatment.

And yes, this is also one of those conditions that home remedies would not be able to cure. They can certainly help in delaying it.

3. Cancer Treatment

This is not something that is very common. Cancer is one of the most deadly diseases out there in the world. And when you go through the treatment for the disease, you will certainly get chemotherapy.

This requires you to be exposed to radiation. And this certainly impacts your hair in a big manner. You will lose hair at a great scale.

In most cases, hair loss is so huge that they end up being bald. Hair can grow back once the treatment is over.

Doctors tend to offer various medicines which can help in growing the hair back quickly.

But the best possible solution to prevent hair loss, in this case, would be wearing a cap during the chemotherapy.

I know it sounds too easy, but it may not be able to save all of your hair but it will save some of it.

4. Stress

This is definitely one of the greatest factors in today’s world. Stress can cause hair loss at a rapid pace. If you are under a lot of stress, you will notice your hair loss, and it is hard to avoid.

This can also cause a loss of color in your hair. But stress is a side effect of our modern life. But How do we get rid of stress?

Make sure that you do something to relieve your stress. And once your stress is taken care of, hair loss stops, and hair growth returns to normal within a year.

5. Pregnancy

One of the most beautiful times of a woman’s life can also be one of the factors that cause hair loss. During pregnancy, you can experience various things that can put you under a lot of stress.

Stress does cause a lot of hair loss as I have mentioned previously. This is even more dangerous for a working woman.

But you do not need to worry, your hair growth will return to normal after your child is born.

Make sure that you relieve your stress. And your hair should return to its former glory within a year.

5. Too Much Hair Care

Yes, we all try different looks, and try different things with our hair to make ourselves feel more attractive and confident. We take care of our hair very much.

But sometimes that can backfire and be the cause of our hair loss. Coloring your hair on a regular basis, shampooing them every day, and getting prem.

All of these are things that we do to take care of our hair. But excessive of these can lead to your hair downfall instead of protecting them.

This can easily be prevented by doing all that in a mannered way. Do not overdo them.

7. Hairstyling

Yes, this can also cause hair loss. We try to make different hairstyles to make ourselves look more appealing.

And that can put your hair under stress as it requires pulling your hair. And this can cause hair loss.

Regrowth in this hair loss is not possible but prevention of this hair loss is fairly easy. All you would have to do is make some changes in your hair styling.

Do it in a manner that does not require you to pull your hair. Try reducing it to a minimum.

8. Scalp infection

This is not that common. But it is one of the possible reasons for hair loss.

People tend to get infections in their scalp, and due to thick layer hair, they often are unable to spot it. And they pay a heavy price for it.

It can cause hair loss, and also, it can cause you to end up with a bald spot on your head. But the treatment of it is available, and once the infection is dealt with, hair growth returns to normal.

9. Medication

I think no one is going to be surprised by the inclusion of this in the list. Medicine has side effects. One of the most common of those side effects is hair loss.

This does not mean that you stop taking it. Medicines are necessary for you to stay healthy or to help you recover.

But it can also be a symptom of a disease, so consult your doctor about hair loss and ask him/her if it is one of the side effects of the medicine.

Once your medication is over, your hair growth should return to normal or you can get it treated.

10. Sexually Transmitted Infection

Yes, these diseases can cause a lot of harm to your body. One of those harms is hair loss. It can easily be prevented.

But once the infection is taken care of, your hair growth would return to normal. And the damage can be minimized with extra bit of care.

11. Thyroid Disease

Thyroid issues can cause a lot of problems for your body, and unfortunately one of those problems is hair loss.

But nothing to worry about, the thyroid issue can be taken care of very easily with medicine, and the hair loss can be taken care of automatically.

There are some other reasons for hair fall as well:

  • Due to inheritance 
  • Improper dieting
  • Nutritional deficiency 
  • Dehydration 
  • Air pollution 
  • Environmental effects 
  • Medicinal side effects 
  • Artificial colors 
  • Stress and so much other 

Now try out these best home remedies for hair fall control and take care of your “crowning glory”.

How to stop hair from falling immediately at home? Home Remedies For Hair Fall Control

Now, that you are aware of the various reasons which can cause hair loss, let’s go ahead and check different things that you can do to keep your hair intact.

These are fairly easy steps to follow but they can produce great results.

After searching tons of reviews, we have found these top home remedies that will surely help you to stop hair loss.

Make sure you do a patch test on a minor area before applying any remedies. This will ensure that you have any allergic reaction to any products or ingredients.

Following are the steps that you can take measures to prevent hair loss:

1. Wash your Hair Regularly

I know it sounds stupid. But it is one of the most effective remedies. You should use a mild Shampoo, a strong shampoo’s regular use can damage the hair more than fix it.

So keep your distance from strong shampoos, use mild shampoos.

2. Massage your scalp with essential oils

Massaging your hair with essential oils is good for you in so many ways. Firstly, it relaxes you, and sometimes, it can help you with headaches. But it is one of the greatest things for your hair.

Massaging your scalp provides energy, rest, and newness to the hair. When you massage the scalp in a circular motion the blood flow of hair is increased. 

For better results, you can apply any essential oil of your choice. With the massage, your hairs get all the necessary feed and become blood saturated.

It provides freshness to your hair and they become strong and deep-rooted. 

3. Apply Green Tea

Green tea is filled with lots of antioxidants. These antioxidants with some other particles there, boost your hair growth and reduce hair fall. Although the oral intake of green tea provides a sufficient quantity of nutrients. Which is one of the great tips for weight loss.

However, your hairs get really very small share in this way. So to get the best results for your hair, warm up the green tea a little and apply it to your scalp.

Let it be applied there for at least about an hour and then wash it off. This process will boost your hair growth and reduce hair fall at the same time.

4. Massage with warm Oil

There is no doubt that oiling is a necessity for hair. There nothing else good more than this tip as an oil tonic. Heat up some oil for a few minutes.

Remove if there are any kind of impurities then let the oil come to room temperature.

It should be slightly warm not hot. Dip the pores of the fingers in the oil and rubs it in a circular motion on your scalp in the roots of the hair. 

Continue massaging till your scalp becomes oily and all the hair roots are oiled. Cover the head with a bathing cap for at least an hour.

Wash your hair with slightly warm water and rinse out all the oil. You can use any kind of cold-pressed oil like almonds, Coconut, or olive oil.

This process will provide protein, minerals fats to the skin of your scalp, and hair roots. So your hair will get a new life, shine, and energy with this simple message. 

5. Apply Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is generally used in many hair conditioner ingredients. It has many vitamins and natural particles that remove pimple marks and acne scars or common skin infections. 

Cut out the internal jelly of an aloe vera leaf and apply it to the scalp. Wash it off after an hour. It will remove all kinds of common scalp infections and fulfill the vitamin deficiencies.

This thing will empower your hair growth and gradually reduces the hair fall.

6. Coconut Oil

No doubt the freshly prepared coconut oil is a great tonic for your hair in any condition.

It is really hard to find really fresh and chemical-free coconut oil from the market, so you will have to prepare it. This is a complex free formula. 

Take a dry coconut, cut it into pieces, grind them, squeeze them and filter out the pure oil. Now apply this fresh oil directly onto your scalp.

Let it be there for about an hour. At that time Keep rest, calm, and peace for this one hour.

After that Wash it out from your scalp. This process will certainly reduce your hair fall after a few uses and you will find your hair fresh, and full of life.

7. Garlic/Ginger /Onion extract

The extract of Garlic juice is very useful for the scalp. Grip some Garlic tightly to take out the extracts.

Apply this extract to your scalp in the evening and let it be there for the overnight. Early in the morning wash with your favorite shampoo and apply oil in sight quantity.  

Make sure to take a patch test before applying this beauty tip. You can use ginger or onion instead of garlic. This extract increases the healthy life of your hair and has been used for years.

Some other hair fall control and regrowth tips

1. Vitamins

Vitamins are necessary for your body and they help in staying in good health. But greater than that they help you in maintaining your hair.

They reduce hair loss. In fact, they actually help in increasing your hair growth.

2. Protein

Like Vitamins, proteins are essential for your body. But having a diet with proteins. They help with your problem with hair loss.

They help you retain your hair color. And help increase the growth.

3. Reduce Alcoholic Beverages

If you’re experiencing hair loss in your life, you should take a step back from alcohol. Alcohol tends to harm your hair, and avoiding it might actually help you with your hair problem.

4. Avoid Smoking

Smoking is injurious to health. I am sure that you have seen the various advertisements that state that.

But the thing those advertisements never tell is that it is very dangerous for your hair. And avoiding smoking is one of the best things you can do for your hair.

5. Physical Activity

Physical Activities like running, swimming, etc. are one of the best things for your health. And it helps your hair and your physical health.

It will help you in maintaining your hair color and also, your growth.

6. Do meditation

Taking stress is worse not only for your health but also for your hair. In the stress, your brain cannot supply the blood circulation properly to your hairs and they get weak. 

Sometimes, even after you do care for your hair, the falling cannot be controlled. Here meditation works really well if you do it regularly.

It will awake your brain’s sleeping organs, improve your sense of health, and restores circulation, hormonal deficiencies, and blood supply to your hair.

7. De-Stressing

Stress is one of the major causes of hair loss. And getting away from stress is one of the best things you can do to your hair.

And it would help you in increasing your hair growth and decrease your hair loss.

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The Bottom Line !!!

Hair fall is a complicated and messy problem these days but these tips will not only improve your hair growth but also stop hair fall sufficiently.

Do let us know if you are interested in more articles like this. We feel really happy to help you.

I hope that you found this article useful. Avoid all those things that cause hair loss.

You can use these Home Remedies To Stop Hair Fall and also repair the damage to your hair loss. But always remember, prevention is better than cure.

I hope you are able to maintain your hair in good condition for a long time, and the remedies would certainly help you in achieving it.

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